Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More than good: They're mandatory

That's what the slogan should be for popular breakfast cereal Frosted Flakes of corn, according to a recent study published in Breakfast Weekly. A new natural law was discovered regarding the sugary part of this complete breakfast - in short, when you see it, you must eat it. The exact cause - biological? physical? chemical? - of this phenomenon is as yet unknown, but one absolutely must consume Frosted Flakes (or any off-brand knockoff) on sight.

The repercussions of this are many. Health aside, the impact it will have on combat is huge. Assassins will merely, shielding their eyes and skin from the package, chuck an individual serving of the stuff at their opponent, who will then be too taken by eating them to defend himself. Automobile accidents were also found to be affected - in fact, the study says, 69% of auto accidents were directly caused by the driver opening his or her sun visor, having a pack of Frosted Flakes fall onto his or her lap, and proceeding to crash his or her car for obvious reasons.
You just hafta eatem.