Sunday, August 23, 2009

Unified Field Fighting Force, Go!

A brave cadre of heroes lives among us! The Four Interactions is their name, and fighting the enemies of the laws of the universe is their game. Our heroes are:
Graviton Man - Using his great mass, he draws enemies in close like a great Scorpion (the Mortal Kombat one) so that he might pummel them with his vast strength! Though his enemies may flee a great distance, they can only asymptotically escape his grasp.
Electromagnetia - Wielding her powerful Photons(TM), the lovely Electromagnetia can use pulses to throw enemy technology into disarray, extremely shortwave beams to imbue them with a deadly sickness, or simple high-energy emissions to attack many enemies at once!
Strong Nucleo - With his mysterious Gluon Gun, Nucleo can bind enemies together, even causing them to lose mass! If he reverses the gun's polarity, watch out! He might just unbind his enemies' nuclei!
Little Nukey - Strong Nucleo's little brother can drive his enemies to illness and even decomposition with his special power, Beta Decay!

Fighting for the well-being of our physical universe, our heroes must every day battle the scum and villainy of space-time such as their arch-rival, Maxwell's Demon. But their individual powers alone are not always enough to defeat their enemies. Strong Nucleo, his wife Electromagnetia, and their pal Little Nukey can fuse together to form the powerful Grand Unification! This, of course, takes very high energies, so they need the help of their human allies. At the peak of their strength, all four fighters can combine into the Unified Field Fighting Force, an unstoppable beacon of fighting!


Rich said...

Strong Nucleo = Gordon Freeman, later HL1?

Billy said...

Little Nukey = Alan Shepard from Opposing Force?